Our Clergy and Staff
Our parish is led by a dynamic group of clergy and staff that brings the Orthodox Church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ alive for our parish community and all those we encounter. We invite you to learn more about our Hierarchs, our clergy and pastoral team, and our support staff.
Our Hierarchs

His Beatitude John X

His Eminence, the Most Reverend Metropolitan Saba Isper

The Rt. Rev. Archimandrite Jeremy Davis
Archiepiscopal Vicar
Fr. John Ojaimi, Our Parish Priest
The Archpriest Fr. John Ojaimi was born in Lebanon 1962. After he graduated from the high school, he joined the Lebanese University and studied physics for two years.
Since his early childhood, he joined the Orthodox Youth Movement as a student in its Sunday school, than as a very active member in its Teen Soyo. Later he served as Sunday School Director than as a region youth director, also he enjoyed participating and later organizing children and youth camps.
In 1983 Fr. Jean received the blessing of Metropolitan Korban to begin theological study at St. John of Damascus Institute of Theology, Balamand.
In 1985 Fr. John received from Saint John of Damascus Orthodox Institute of Theology "A Diploma in Ecclesiastical Training and Catechism.
In 1990 he married May Mansour of Lebanon.
He was ordained by Metropolitan Elias Korban to the diaconate on April 22,1992 and to the Priesthood on August 09, 1992 to serve St. Marina Church in his hometown Amioun as a pastor. In July 17, 1995, and within the vesper service for St. Marina Feast, Metropolitan Korban elevated Fr. John to the dignity of Stavroforos and surrounded his neck by the chain that hold the Holy Cross.
In 1996 Metropolitan Elias Korban assigned Fr. Jean As an associate Judge in the Spiritual Court of his Archdiocese.
In January 1997 Fr. John was appointed as the "Chief Administrative Officer" for The Balamand Patriarchal Monastery, and a member of the Board of Trustees of Al Islah Orthodox High School.
In the summer of 1998, and after seven years of his ministry at St. Marina, he asked the Most Reverend Metropolitan Philip Saliba his blessing to join the Antiochian Orthodox Archdiocese of North America. Sayedna welcomed him and his family and he assigned him to serve as an Associate Pastor at St. George the Antiochian Orthodox Church of Boston.
November 05, 1999 Fr. John and his family arrived to Boston leaving behind them a lovely parish, a beautiful church and large facilities will witness for his work, and will encourage others to enjoy working for the glory of God.
In 2002 Metropolitan Philip elevated him to the dignity of Archpriest within the Vespers Service for the Feast of St. George, Patron of the Church.
August 01, 2006 Fr. John was assigned to serve Saint George Antiochian Christian Orthodox Church in Cleveland, Ohio as a Pastor.
In June 2008 His Grace Bishop Mark Maymom appointed Fr. John as The Spiritual Advisor for The Diocese of The Midwest Fellowship Of St. John The Divine.
In 2008 Fr. John was elected as the treasurer for the Greater Cleveland Council Of Orthodox Clergy.
Fr. John is very active in the Campus Ministry, he is a chaplain for The Orthodox Christian Fellowship, Case Western Reserve University Campus since 2008.
October 21, 2008 Fr. John received a "Certificate of Completion" for the Cancer Residency for Clergy from the Metro Health's Cancer Care Center.
October 5, 2010 His Eminence Metropolitan PHILIP has appointed Father John as the Dean of The Ohio Deanery.
October 2022 Fr. John submitted his resignation from the Deanery office to His Grace Bishop Antony.
V. Rev. Fr. John and Khourieh May are living in Strongsville, Ohio.